Welcome to Noko and Ray's Homepage!
Hi Everybody !

It's been a long time...

Sorry, but I found that YouTube could give much better quality,
and it was much easier,
so I've been posting there.
Click on the link to the left to go there

I've done a brief reorganization of this site.

First, this is an Old, Evolutionary site. Please use the "Back" button in your browser...

All three Christmas cards are here!
I had lost my favorite one, the one that I spent one week nonstop,
while I waited for machine trouble that never came, to do.

My Best Flash Site is Highlighted
I spent months writing the flash action script.
To update, I would just have to do a "find and replace" in an XML file.
But, Granddaddy's computer couldn't handle it, so I dropped it.
Should be OK with all computers now!

A New Veeco YouTube Channel! It's cool!
Veeco had taken down all the Youtube videos that I found and linked to.
I was sad that they would do this...
But, Veeco made a Channel, so many High Quality Videos are now available
(unless you are in China, Sorry guys...)

We Love You All!

Click here to send feedback


Last updated 04/14/2010